
{ Saturday, July 19, 2008 }
I've never stayed gone this long before. Sorry about that. It wasn't just about Isis. That didn't help though. My epic daily commute doesn't help either.

I did post a short guest entry at David's blog, because I think I'm funny. And Vincent went back to blogging for a minute.

Also, I cut off all my hair. It was more than sixteen inches before it was pulled straight that she cut off, and now I have a darling little bob.

The puppy is fine. She had a nice, long "playdate" (five days) with her friend Frankie, which she would like you to know was the best summer vacation ever. Mondale is still Mondale.

Yeah, so things are fine here. I just... stopped blogging. I'll try to get back to it soon. Lily (the puppy) and I are probably headed up north today, so there might be a photo entry in my future...

posted by mary ann 12:14 PM
