
{ Friday, May 18, 2007 }

Light bulb!

I've noticed a sharp upturn in the number of google image searches that land people here, looking at pictures of my cats. Now, when the Isis-as-jack-o-lantern picture gets wildly popular every October, I understand.

I spent some time wondering why people were so interested in pictures of the cats, particularly Isis. I mean, how many people are really searching for pictures of obese orange tabby cats? The answer seems to be "a lot".

It came to me today. The latest fad. LOLcats! That's why my pictures are so popular lately. People are hoping to make them into ridiculous cat macros. I'm not sure how I feel about that. I'd have to see one to know...

We are no longer in escrow. Our choice. The inspection did not go well. Tomorrow we get back on the horse and look at a bazillion more houses.

posted by mary ann 5:25 PM
