
{ Sunday, December 24, 2006 }

Dear Santa: Am Drunk

Family Christmas Eve + Engagement = 5 adult beverages in one night = approximately the same number as cummulatively consumed all year.

My aunt put me in her daughter's wedding dress. Good news: daughter is currently rather pregnant and probably needs the self estteen boost that bad news: would not zip up even though whole world thinks I am tiny provides. Also bad: teenaged cousin trying to just get her coat and go witnesssed all of this.

Many drinks drank. Am basically okay, but also very very drunk. Figured I needed to type out entry before bed so complete blackout and reliance on family to fill in blanks is not possible.

Sister just said: You can still slur over the internet. That's the beep of don't do it. Also said: we can stay up and watch a movie,. Do you want to watch a movie?? I don't want to watch one all by myself. I don't know what, but I don't want tot w atch it alone.

So, now I have to go w atch a movie with my sister. Who is in the bed trying to keep warm....

The End.

posted by mary ann 9:14 PM
