
{ Friday, November 03, 2006 }

Cranky Girl.

I started to write a really long post about how I let myself get so hungry that I nearly had to throw my shoes at my boyfriend's head. But that's the whole story really so it's not much of an entry.

I am really cranky tonight. Personally, I've had a rough month. The new job is still great. The rest of it? Has sort of sucked. It's getting better now and some of the stress has lifted and now that I've exhaled a bit, I'm exhausted and cranky.

Also, my hormones might be playing some role in the whole I NEED _____ NOW OR I AM GOING TO THROW AN ENORMOUS TEMPER TRANTRUM attitude.

My feet hurt. Nothing makes me less pleasant to be around than sore body parts. One of the great miracles in my life was the day my back stopped hurting. I became much less prone to crying jags when the magic popping noise happened after an entire year of constant back pain. Sore feet might be what's making me cranky.

Hormones are what's making my feet hurt. So, we're back to that.

This is my long winded way of saying that on Day Three of NaBloPoMo, I don't want to write a damned entry, but I did it anyway.

posted by mary ann 8:49 PM
