
{ Monday, November 13, 2006 }

Ack! And I Invited Her!

I am trying to work myself up into a cleaning frenzy. Because the boyfriend's mother might possibly step foot into our apartment tomorrow and WE HAVE TWO BATHROOMS BUT CURRENTLY ONLY ONE ROLL OF TOILET PAPER. That's what housekeeping has devolved into around here.

I mean, if there's any reason she might come into our home, using the bathroom seems high.

Good news: I dusted and disinfected every surface when I had pinkeye just a few weeks ago.

Bad news: everything else. Litter box is dirty but not awful. The bathmat is still on the drying rack outside where I put it before Isis got his bath. There are clothes everywhere.

It's really bad. He's been sick and I've been in my classic "self-medicates with internet" mode.

I am off to Starbucks (I really hope the one on the corner is still open) to buy myself a liquid frenzy. I'll be miserable at three am when I can't sleep, but at least I'll still be up to turn on the Roomba once it's charged.

posted by mary ann 9:21 PM
