
{ Tuesday, July 18, 2006 }


Yesterday morning, I was getting onto the freeway on my way to work and I was, as I typically am in the mornings, very concerned about the time. I glanced at my clock.

Wait. It's not 8 to 9 minutes before 8:35. I consulted my cell phone for confirmation... How did my car clock get set correctly?

I don't set the clock forward to trick myself. I set my clock forward so that I have to actually think about what time it is. I can't just idly glance at the clock. I have to really absorb what time it actually is.

The clock is back to normal time because the people who fixed the air conditioning reset it after they reconnected the battery. They didn't reset the radio stations; that was my big clue.

For now, the clock actually showing the right time is acheiving the goal. I see the clock, take off eight minutes, realize that can't possibly be right, and remember that the time I saw is correct...

posted by mary ann 7:56 AM
