
{ Tuesday, December 20, 2005 }

Odds and Ends

I made it back to work today. And then I worked for ten hours. And then I came home and ate dinner and worked some more. Until one in the morning, actually. And I made my boyfriend help me.

I heard from Nikki the other day. She and the boyfriend broke up (shocking, I know). She's staying with her mother's cousin now, and she's gotten herself a job waitressing nearby. She's supposed to start tomorrow, but she didn't have any clothes to wear to work (her one pair of jeans has writing on the butt and she does have the good sense to know that's not appropriate).

I gave her Ellie's number. She has almost as many clothes as I do, and in a much wider range of sizes, so hopefully she'll call Ellie and get hooked up with something appropriate.

I'm having tooth pain. I think I'm grinding my teeth again. Anyway, it's one tooth that hurts and I already have an appointment for January 3 for it. And since I've maxed out on dental insurance for 2005, it's just gonna have to wait. It really hurts though.

posted by mary ann 11:59 PM
