
{ Wednesday, April 20, 2005 }


It turns out that perhaps I'm not supposed to excersize, like, at all, ever.

My back is in agony this morning. (If you're new here, I have osteopenia and arthritis and degenerative disc disease in my lower back. When I'm super lucky, this all comes together and I get muscle spasms too. It's a party all the time with me.)

I'm in so much pain. I can only just barely sit up. Because I'm an idiot and my attendance record is crummy (so far this year I've been out sick one day each month.), I claimed to my boss's voicemail that I thought I'd only be an hour late.

It hurts. My back hurts. Last time it hurt this much I missed four days of work.

Swimming. There's no impact. When it started hurting a bit, I stopped pushing off of the wall and the bottom of the pool, since that's the only impact involved. I guess all the back movement was too much even without impact. This sucks.

posted by mary ann 8:25 AM
