
{ Wednesday, January 05, 2005 }

A Social Life

Things are going well here. So well, in fact, that I haven't hardly had time to sleep or update this page.

Emma is here. I picked her up yesterday morning, late and at a bus station that was not the one she was supposed to be at. Hopefully, her luggage will arrive today. That's the only bad news in the "Emma is here" category... We went out to lunch yesterday afternoon and to the grocery store last night. We spent most of the night talking about economics. I've missed that girl.

And also, there's a boy I've gotten myself tangled up with. I'm not sure how much I'm allowed to tell you about him, but he's cute and smart and nice.

And then there's work. It takes up a fair amount of time as well.

I'm sorry I've been neglecting y'all and I really am going to try to do better. I just have to remember how to keep up computer time while also having a social life and a job...

posted by mary ann 9:47 AM
