
{ Monday, January 10, 2005 }

Another Bad Morning.

I think I got about four hours of sleep last night. I don't feel as bad as I probably should. Except that I might smell like a bar since that's where I wore these clothes last night. Most likely I smell like an ashtray.

Emma and I slept over at the boy's house. There was a little gathering there after the bar, and then it was too far to go to get home. Because I am very lazy and hate sleeping alone.

And at some point I decided I'm just going to call him Steady. That's a nice name for him for a lot of reasons... so I am at work in my bar clothes and Steady (maybe I'm just trying this one out, typing it a second time didn't work as well for me) and Emma are both probably still sleeping. He'll take her home later on his way to work.

Also, I am wearing Emma's shoes. I think they're four sizes too large. Something like that. I've padded them with tissues. The poor thing is probably going to go home barefoot this morning (afternoon) since I left her with my tiny adorable sandals...

posted by mary ann 8:32 AM
