
{ Saturday, March 01, 2003 }

Teflon Break-up.

Writer Guy and I had a little discussion over some Bloody Marys last night after the move was virtually finished and the apartment cleaned.

He told me there was an eight hundred pound gorilla in the room. Actually, he said, there were two. Unfortunately, what I saw was more like a smallish monkey than an eight hundred pound gorilla. Once we discussed it, we're now both seeing monkeys.

We have concluded that we're both pretty content to be in a status of "question mark" (I told him I could be his question mark. He reciprocated.). Also, he's moving to Illinois at the first oppurtunity. So, currently the plan is to just be "as is" or whatever until such time as he moves to Illinois.

Frankly, I just want to say that if I can somehow manage never to have to play the "what's the status of this relationship?" game again, I would be a very happy girl. So, basically, we're both commitment-phobes and we both seem to have more peace with the situation when the status is "we don't know". I really think this will work for us.

My break-ups always seem to be coated in Teflon. They never stick.

posted by mary ann 7:29 AM
