
{ Monday, December 16, 2002 }

Deeply, deeply shallow.

Starting tomorrow, we thought we were deep will be running a series of poems by Chet Ulvan. One poem per week (on Tuesdays) from the collection so aptly named "Depressing Shit" written late in 1995. It will take until approximately Valentine's Day for the whole set to be published.

The first two are charming love poems about me. The next several weeks will be depressing suicide poems and the last one was written during the same period and is just the random nonsense of someone who thought he was deep.

Many points to keledy for finding the poems (she has an 'unauthorized copy' made in the high school library) and typing them all up and getting it set to publish.

Many points to Chet for actually giving us permission to publish them (on the condition that we not use his real name). They are not very good poems. And they are really disturbing and pretty depressing, mostly. (except for the ones that make me cringe. but it was sweet...), on top of being bad. Bear in mind that they are from the mind of a fourteen year old boy who mostly just wants to be disturbed more than he actually was (if you ask me. I asked him and he says "Yes, I knew they were suicide poems and I was the disturbed" and then we had a gallows humor-ridden conversation about why no one noticed how disturbing they were since we were all equally depressed, more or less.)

So, go look, Tuesdays and see the collection of "Depressing Shit". He's fine now, really. Or at least, he doesn't give me suicide poems anymore...

posted by mary ann 5:08 PM
