
{ Sunday, October 27, 2002 }


I know I can't possibly have anything new to contribute on the topic of Sunday afternoons. But I want the record to show that a 25 hour Sunday is much worse than a 24 hour Sunday. I hate the stupid time change. And Sunday afternoons with grey skies are boring and gross.

Waste is coming tomorrow. For a visit. I don't know how long he's staying. Not more than a week. Whilst he's here I might not be updating so much. You should join the notify list if you don't want to come here and see nothing new....

Meanwhile, today I discovered that my camp mom, alice fiona, has a blog! It's a very pretty blog. Much nicer to look at than mine. Let me tell you, alice is a very cool girl and an awesome friend. We lived together at the summer camp and she is totally one of the most mature, responsible, proactive people I've ever had the pleasure to meet. So, go visit her blog and love her. This girl used to wake me up for breakfast, take care of the kids, she even did my laundry a couple times, and no one ever asked her to. And she had a kick-ass book collection! Did I mention she's snarky and fun and beautiful too? She's just that great. And she deserves all your love!

In other news. Nothing. It's Sunday afternoon. On the 25 hour Sunday.

posted by mary ann 12:39 PM
