
{ Friday, January 11, 2002 }
So I think I am about to depart work. Boss said I could leave. Not because of the mental breakdown, because of the fact that I have been working 50+ hours a week for the last few weeks and worked the last two Saturdays and what's an hour and a half on Friday?

This is such good news because it means I can finish my errand running that I meant to start at lunch. Well, I did start it. I went to the Post Office. I got my registered mail. I mailed my three bills which have to be mailed. What I didn't do was run out and pay the three bills that don't have to be mailed or go to the bank and deposit my paycheck so these six bills will all clear.

Every one of my utilities was threatening to shut me off if they did not receive payment within the week. Seriously. The thing is, it's not always a matter of my not having the money. Sometimes, I just don't have the energy to open the envelope and then write the check and then go pay the bill... Hell, if it weren't for Waste, the mailbox itself would prolly never get checked.

My cat has this fixation with the pull cord for the ceiling fan. That and the antenna for the TV (no, I don't have cable). Anytime you pick him up, he thinks it means you'll hold him up so he can bat at the pull cord for the ceiling fan. When he gets really over anxious for it, he climbs up on the chair with the foot stool on it and attacks you as you walk by. Last night he was up on his chair with footstool and I was kneeling on the floor. He jumped off of the footstool *down* onto me. Then he proceeded to attempt to bat at the ceiling fan. A) I can barely hold him high enough to reach it when I am standing. We have 15 ft ceilings. B) we were easily 6 feet away from being under the cord.

Poor little cat.

posted by mary ann 1:17 PM
