
{ Friday, January 11, 2002 }
Having a small mental breakdown at your desk is a bad idea.

Some things have been weighing heavily on me lately. So, I took it out on NotBoyAnymore. Waste's birthday is next week and his parents invited him up to celebrate with dinner Sunday night. I told him I would drive him to within 30 minutes of there, provided that a) I can find something to do while he's celebrating and b) he finds a ride the rest of the way.

I thought this was perfect. NotBoyAnymore lives like 45 minutes away from Waste's parents. I could just drop him off on my way to see him, pick him up on the way back, and know for certain I wouldn't get distracted and spend the night there.

Too bad, NotBoyAnymore doesn't have time for me.

And this triggered my mental breakdown at my desk. Boss thinks I must be getting sick (he came in, haggard voice, runny nose, watery eyes).

Good-bye sanity, I feel as though I barely knew you.

posted by mary ann 10:06 AM
