
{ Wednesday, March 01, 2006 }
It has been decided that I will attempt to give up Wint-O-Green Lifesavers for Lent. This has already proven particularly challenging since they're everywhere (in my purse, in my desk, in the passenger seat of the car... this morning I was looking for a lighter and discovered I was sitting on one.) So, we'll see how it goes.

It almost rained. After more than 130 days with nothing, there were traces of rain yesterday. Less than a hundredth of an inch. I had all of the doors and windows open and spent my evening glued to Live! Doppler! Radar! as my hopes of a rainstorm became hopes for twenty minutes of drizzle...

It smells like it rained. It feels like it rained. There are clouds in the sky. There's just not actually any water coming from them.

I don't feel exactly well today. My joints hurt and my stomach is iffy and I think I need a nap. I want a damned Lifesaver...

Edited to add: Jeff suggests that my "international readers" might not know what a Wint-O-Green Lifesaver is. They're wintergreen flavored hard candy mints that are round with a hole in the middle. You can buy them by the roll or the bag -- since I am seriously hooked, I buy them by the bag.

posted by mary ann 7:40 AM
