
{ Friday, December 09, 2005 }

It's Not Coming Together

I am not feeling a lot like Christmas over here. I've been to holiday parties, I am participating in Secret Santa at work, I decorated a tree, my office looks like the holiday season exploded all over it... but I am not feeling it.

I keep reminding myself that I never feel like it's Christmas-time until it's actually Christmas. And then I want everyone to remember there are twelve days of Christmas and we should keep the whole thing going until then. But they all got into it back when the Advent Calendars were broken out and now they're over it.

And this year it's gonna be even more like that because Mom, the stepfather, and Shelly all arrive on Christmas Day. And then it will be Christmas. A very brown Christmas. Meanwhile, I'm just going through the motions and trying to get myself excited...

posted by mary ann 7:56 PM
