
{ Friday, August 19, 2005 }

I'm Off!

I'm off of work today! Today is the thing that kept me from calling in on Monday when I was near death with a hangover.

There are things I have to do today... because tonight, after Steady gets off work, we're going to Sedona for the weekend. I've been trying to leave Phoenix for a little more than a month now, and it's finally gonna happen.

Steady and I should have a lovely time up there. It's less hot than here, which is really enough right there. (I do realize that higher elevation = better sunburn and will pack accordingly.)

"Did you look at the e mail I sent you with the reservations?"
"Yeah, which room did you get?"
"It was in the e mail."
"Are we staying in one of the rooms with the jacuzzi tub?"
"Really? Did you see the pictures? It looks like it's right in the middle of the room! I'm gonna spend all weekend in the bathtub watching television! know, when we're not out... looking at rocks. Which, you know, is going to be great, of course."

Right, so far I haven't managed to convince my boyfriend that there's anything compelling about Sedona beyond a nice hotel room. He's lived in Arizona his entire life and hasn't ever been there. (He also has not been to the Grand Canyon.) Nature is not his thing.

The biggest challenge as of now seems like it's gonna be "who is driving?". My driving makes him nauseous and scared, but he doesn't like to drive after dark or in the rain, and it's pretty certain to be dark on the drive up. We can't drive each other's cars, because the insurance companies wouldn't like that. I have a feeling he's going to end up driving.

To be fair, I am not that bad of a driver. Steady just drives... well, we could be an instructional video. I'd be the Bad Influence.

"We'll drive through and we can just eat on the way."
"You mean eat while I'm driving?"
"Yes. That's what drive through windows are for."
"No. I can't do that."
"No. I can't eat while I drive. That's not safe."

"Where are you going?"
"I'm going out on the other side so I can turn left at the light."
"What? We're not supposed to be on this street. We want to be at the other street."
"I know, but I am not turning left across traffic if I don't have to. It's not safe."

"You want to drive in this? It's raining."
"That's what windshield wipers are for. It's not ice."
"Can't we just stay in? I don't want to drive in the rain. It's not safe."

"Maybe you should get off the phone?"
"What are you looking for?"
"Candy. I know there's candy in my purse."
"Give me that. Are you gonna put out the cigarette?"
"Do you think that's safe?"
"I'm just driving a stick shift, talking on the telephone, rifling through my purse and smoking a cigarette. Be glad I'm not also putting on make-up or fixing my hair."

It's a bit trying at times. For both of us.

For me mostly when I've suggested we drive 90+ miles out into the desert to where it's dark enough to see stars and I am reminded that driving in the way dark, desolate portions of the desert at night even with someone else is not safe. (And I don't want to go by myself, because I know that's really not safe.)

When I was in Sedona in April, I did notice that you can still see the light pollution from Phoenix, but there have to be more stars there than here where the damned nighttime clouds are pink from the light pollution.

I have the entire day off to sit around and read and get us packed and try to figure out what in that section of the state might possibly entertain my boyfriend. I've made a few suggestions, and he's agreeable to whatever will make me happy. I've dragged him on a few day trips, and at the end, he always admits that it was a good time. So, I'm sure he'll have some fun...

The Fine Print:
2004: "Shit! I'm going to run out gas. Please don't run out of gas. Oh dear. I just ran out of gas. I am now stuck in this intersection with no gas. What do I do? Shit. I'm totally in the middle of the road."

2003: I spent my weekend at a convent and a monestary.

2002: "Apparently, in Kentucky, flies prefer whiskey."

2001: On haitus.

posted by mary ann 8:24 AM
