
{ Wednesday, December 15, 2004 }

Help Needed

How do you make yourself be on time for work? I mean, starting with not sleeping straight through the four alarm clocks that go off every morning, loud probably loud enough to be heard for several blocks around, through actually leaving the warm, comfortable, happy bed and right up to successfully walking out the door early enough to get to work on time, or even a couple minutes early.

How do you make yourself do it five days a week?

I need suggestions, hints, starting at the most basic. Because I really ought to learn how to do this. We're talking like "Make sure your purse is packed before you go to bed. Write a reminder to yourself to do this on a sharp tack that you stick on your pillow so you can't forget." basic.

Help me. My problem areas are: acheiving consciousness, leaving the bed, figuring out what I will wear, not getting distracted by the cat or the internet, losing track of time and suddenly noticing I am going to be late, losing my keys/purse/cell phone/cigarettes, and then traffic but there's nothing I can do about traffic.

posted by mary ann 9:53 AM
