
{ Friday, January 02, 2004 }

Happy New Year.

Wednesday night at dinner we toasted to "Not going to jail in 2004!", although only two of the six people had been to jail in 2003 (or ever, for that matter). By midnight, we were toasting to "2004 can't be as bad as THIS!"

It was a lovely party. Emma, Ellie, Chris, Nikki, Canada Dave and I for most of the evening. Then JV and many other people showed up later (one of whom I had never met and another who I thought was many hundreds of miles away).

We had a nice dinner and lots of drinking. I passed out, got sick, rallied, drank some water and managed to stay up for another several hours. I didn't even feel too bad when I got up in the morning. Shortly after midnight I sent an e mail "Subj: Haooy New Year" I was a bit drunk.

I hope everyone is safe and happy for 2004.

posted by mary ann 10:34 AM
