
{ Tuesday, January 21, 2003 }


Last night in the middle of the night I woke up from a "nightmare". I must've jumped awake because Writer Guy woke up and asked me what was wrong. I told him I'd had a nightmare and I was fine and let's all go back to sleep.

I had been dreaming that I was a miniature person trapped in a Bubble Tape dispenser and dressed like a mime. And people kept carrying me around in their pockets and not letting me out and I'd fall and roll away and get lost and then someone else would pick me up. It was very distressing. Then I started growing (think Alice in Wonderland) and I couldn't get out of the container because I was stuck in a sewer drain and there was no one to let me out. Right around then, I woke up.

Normally, when I remember my dreams, they make sense to me in the context of my life. That one, not so much. And yes, that was a nightmare. It was very distressing.

My poor boyfriend. Not only does he have to tolerate me when I'm awake, but I'm a pain in the ass to share a bed with. I like to blame the lack of collagen for the hot/cold problems. I give off so much heat. So, I'm constantly cold, but if you're near me, you're subjected to all my heat. Since I'm cold, if you're in a bed with me, you're prolly frying to death, because I am a heat seeker giving off a crazy amount of body heat. And I toss and turn. And I'm a blanket hog. And apparently grope poor defenseless boys while they try to sleep. And wake him up after my silly nightmares in the middle of the night when he has to get up at 6 am and I get to sleep in the nice, big warm bed until I wake up.

NotBoyAnymore actually had a like five step plan for sharing a bed with me. It involved never being between me and the wall (apparently the odds that I would end up against the wall were about even with the odds that I would push him out of bed with my heat seeking tedencies), trying to keep a pillow between us (for insulation reasons as well as to help fend off my sleeping sexual advances), leaving one leg hang out of the blankets (he called it a wick for normal air), and leaving a blanket under the bed for when I had stolen all of his or he needed to get away from me and my absurd body heat. Waste and I just kept two completely seperate comforters on the bed and shared the sheets and quilt. The layer seemed to help.

posted by mary ann 1:59 PM
